Two separate boilers, one for steam and hot water, the other for coffee. A system designed for higher thermal stability and to deliver coffee and steam simultaneously, with a reduced heating time.
Paddle, knobs, adjustable feet, handles and filterholders in the finest walnut wood. Appliance body, water tank, drip tray and wire grate in AISI 304 polished stainless steel for a long-lasting result and easy cleaning.
New software – Updated the software operating the machine. This has allowed us to new Low flow function, the stand-by mode and the warm-up optimization.
LCC – LELIT Control Center V3
In Bianca – PL162T-EU V3 LCC new functions have been included a number of settings upgrade in machine:
Stand-by mode After 30 minutes of inactivity, the machine will go automatically in stand-by mode. The ON/OFF light blinks.
Low flow START which refers to the time slot from zer0 till what the user sets.
Low flow FINAL which refers to the time slot from what the user sets till the end of coffee brewing.
Brew temp off set This value either increases or decreases the coffee boiler temperature during coffee brewing, changing the temperature of the water coming out of the grouphead.
特點 | 規格 |
800ml 不鏽鋼咖啡鍋爐 | 外掛水箱:2.5公升 -營業用迴旋泵浦:150W |
1500ml 不鏽鋼蒸氣鍋爐 | 機器尺寸:(長*寬*高) 40*29*40cm (+8.5cm水箱) |
經典E61拉桿式沖煮頭 | 咖啡鍋爐加熱器:1000W |
專業級水蒸氣彈簧開關 | 蒸氣鍋爐加熱器:1200W |
I/O背光不鏽鋼開關 | 電力需求:220-240V 50-60Hz |
LCC高解析顯示屏幕 | BSMI認證:R13082 |
可直接進排水設計 | 重量:22Kg |
咖啡杯溫杯架 | 配件:原廠不繡鋼水箱 木製手把*2(雙流&無底各一個)、 填壓器、清潔刷、擦拭布、進&排水管 蒸氣噴頭、水箱用濾芯、咖啡粉杯3個(7g、18g、22g) |
70公升軟水過濾器 | |
墊高杯架 | |
鏡面不鏽鋼滴水盤 | |
雙壓力表(咖啡&蒸氣) | |
防燙蒸氣&熱水棒 | |
全機AISI 304不鏽鋼鏡面拋光 | |
100%義大利原裝進口 |